Getting A New Installation or Repairs On An Existing System
Since about 1982, the Thompson's
(based in Pace, Fl.) have been installing
and repairing septic systems
for homes and businesses. Our team provides quality materials & service
. We even perform septic abandonments and sewer hook ups, in the Pace/Milton area. Once you have a permit, call
AAA Thompson's Septic Inc. for your free estimate(850) 994-8221.
How a Septic System Works
A septic system is an underground wastewater treatment system that properly disposes of your liquid waste onsite. These systems are, usually, able to 'naturally' process waste w/o requiring costly additives. At minimum, a septic system includes a septic tank and drainfield lines. Waste flows from the house into the tank thru an 'inlet'. It exits the tank on the opposite side thru the 'outlet'(if tank is a 1998 or newer wastewater flows thru a filter first, before entering drainfield). The lines allow the effluent to naturally perk into the surrounding soil.A septic should be pumped out regularly, for 'maintenance',toavoid damageand very costly repairs.When you only pump because you're already “symptomatic”(gurgling,rising high/draining slow, bad smell, backed up tubs/toilets or at seal of toilet,or even seeping up in the yard) you'veallowed damage to your drainfield. Now, thelines have been 'flooded' below ground for a long timeand we're 'hoping' thepump out takes care of the problem!Eventually, too much damage occurs and thepumping no longer takes careof the problem. This is when the costlydrainline repairs are needed.If sewerisavailableto the property, doingrepairsto the lines areno longer allowedand addressmust hook upto citysewer! No problem...we DOoffersewer hook ups in Pace/Miltonarea.
Regular pumping is key to avoiding costly repairs! To that end, we give you a double sided business card w/ when YOUR system should be serviced again. Currently, we're putting your info into our electronic files. If we have an active email we can send you a reminder to help you stay on top of your maintenance. Our goal is to “partner w/ you” to keep you in a “good working system” as long as possible! Call AAA Thompson's Septic today for maintenance or for free estimate on repairs (850) 994-8221.
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